It is usually a boring thing that is when you trying to watch a video online from a website like youtube, streaming video services it all says "buffering". This is usually seen over slow internet connections rather than on faster wi -fi connections.


Most on line video files are designed and links to stream, from video streaming server and allow you to start playing before the download gets completed. For Streaming video with web and keep
video playing smoothly video players often download slices of that file called " Buffering" or "caching" and usually this takes time.

We can apply an extra boost on streaming videos by the following method:

In windows media player,select Tools >> Options, click Performance tab, and select "Buffer [5] seconds of content" under "Network buffering". To play the videos instantly as the buffer downloaded
enter a small number, such as 2 or 3. (this will also depend upon the internet connections and no. visitor that caching that video content simultaneously, so adjust the number between 3 and 15 seconds if you see any bad responses from the player).


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